Thursday, January 22, 2009

Airport Jackassery...Again

Without A doubt Miami International is a slum. What a terrible airport. I don't know if I can ever get over an Airport that charges for wifi at a staggering 9.99 an hour. Really, it's insane. And there was no place that was open to get a bite at 7 in the morning. Miami International may also hold a record for longest distance in between Starbucks. I never even found said Starbucks, and I walked down 2 different HUGE concourses. Miami International you suck. The only highlight of the entire Airport was seeing a guy who I think was Flo Rida discussing Mormon girls, Hilarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everywhere charges 9.99 for wifi @ the airport man... Europe is no different, Tokyo, Heathrow, DeGaulle, Hong Kong, Beijing... You heard my gripes about lack of common airport services in Vegas while I was there. Actually I'll say lack of all services for Vegas. I want to turn back the clock on that place... if we could go back to how it was in the 70s/80s I'd visit more often.

Some of them do differential pricing, you can pay more for a full 24 hours or pay by-the-hour... or in other package sizes.

Anyway I appreciate what I can only assume were your herculean efforts to improve grammar, punctuation, and spelling on the site. Kudos.