Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Board certified phyician and addiction medicine specialist

There is a discussion I often have with my cohorts, that Loveline is without a doubt the greatest radio show of all time. They aregue that it may be some other show that is rather completely unimportant and not part of my own childhood. This makes their opinion wrong. Now in regards to loveline I am only referencing the years that adam carrolla was on. They are aware of the show but mostly in the sense that there was a television show called loveline and their were people that called in and discussed their problems. The Tv show was very restrictive and very censored. Many of the shows standards were eliminated. Particularly Adams rants, as well as the nature of the calls were not as exciting as the calls they would take on the radio show.

The radio show that taught me the most about all the nothing I know, if that makes any sense. Be it about drugs, beastiality, or anyother outside the norm addiction. I am pretty boring in regards to the topics they discussed it. It is hands down the most entertaining show about people I have ever heard. When I was a younger Outlaw I was always prepared for bedtime because it was at 10pm, the start of loveline sunday through thursday. It would be on the air till midnight, though I would be asleep much earlier. I have been stricken again with loveline mania (if interested in a stream of the show you can go HERE). More than 10 years after I had started listening to it from my room as I went to sleep it has grabbed a hold of me again.

As I listen to this show Drew and Adam had the kind of on air chemisrty that I don't even think Johnny Carson and Ed Mcmahon ever quite achieve. Hilarious and thought provoking, the show seemed to constantly make heavy issues lighter than they may necessarily seem, basically giving everyone the sense that everyone had problems and that it was no big deal and everything could be repaired. Mostly the repair was lots of counseling and never having any children was the most common suggestion to a caller. However, that was said with love.

The radio show is still on though Adam has moved on. He now comes on the radio in the mornings now, which incidentally is convenient for me since I can now listen to him in the morning from 6 till 10. Yikes, I am starting to come off as a crazed stalker. Perhaps this is a good time to end this post.

1 comment:

eightypercenter said...

Come on... I don't get a nod for turning you back on to the LL?