Sunday, February 15, 2009

Front page HEADLINES!!!

I stopped by Albertsons's today to pick up some Henry Weinhards Root Beer, if you hadn't had any...get it. Anyway as I'm on my way out of the store I see the front page of the local Las Vegas paper. Now I'm not a person to really care a lot about Valentines Day, it's not for me particularly but I don't care if the rest of the world is for it. However, the front page of the Las Vegas Review Journal running a HUGE pictorial of the biggest prostitution offenders is a little insensitive to some. Now I would like to shake the hands of the Editor of this fine publication, clearly he must have balls the size of my balls to do this.(LINK)


Anonymous said...

Balls? It would take balls to print photos of the solicitors. Taking mugshots is old hat... drudge has been doing that for years.

If the editor of the paper can't get over the fact that he lives in the one city in the nation where prostitution is legal he's kind of a douchebag.

I don't have any issue with the oldest profession, as Chef once sang: "A prostitute is like any other woman, they all trade something for sex, and they do it well!"

Shaming the women involved just seems both cowardly and counter-productive. Women have enough hangups about their sexuality already, they don't need assistance there. The weird feelings around sex that we all reinforce (particularly toward women) only help create the market for the ladies of the night...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not legal in city, but legal in state. If Vegas was smart they'd just establish a red light district ala Amsterdam.

chris outlaw said...

Well I just thought that it took balls to run the story on the front page on the day after Valentines. That's all I'm saying, the act of putting photos up is no big deal, I'm just surprised of the timing.

In regards to a red light district theres a lot of discussion about that. Honestly I don't think it could hurt the town.

Anonymous said...

Oh, in that case he should have compared the prostitutes to all the discount chocolate on sale. That would have been ballsy.